Monday, June 7, 2010

Mystery Team/I Just Want My Pants Back

A couple of days ago I purchased the movie Mystery Team without having seen it before, but I had complete faith in Derrick Comedy that they would deliver!  My verdict: They totally brought it!  This movie was so freaking funny!  I just love that Derrick Comedy style!  It was silly and funny, but not too super silly to the point where it's reDONCulous.  If you are a fan of the guys' online videos, then you will surely appreciate this motion picture!

Yesterday I finished reading the book I Just Want My Pants Back by David Rosen.  I so loved this book.  The writing is super funny, as well as the main character himself.  The book was also very real-life.  Jason (the main character) could have easily been someone you know.  Sometimes I read some books and it's just like, please, this is so unrelatable!  I feel like a lot of books I read (well mostly the more romance/women's reads) have these characters who are always super rich, money is no object to them, and super successful and then they find someone who is also very well-off and they fall madly in love and sleep on a money stuffed mattress!  This book is very relatable,especially to a twenty something who is still figuring things out, and I would for sure recommend it!

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